Five Tech Influencers You Should Check Out
Not many words on the internet are as hated as the term ‘influencer’. It usually summons a picture of a teenager with a few hundred followers determined to get free drinks or a designer dress for simply appearing at a location, promoting things like travel agencies, sodas, hotels, bands, or betting sites and promotions like Coral Grand National.
However, not all influencers are like that. Some of them truly live up to the term, influencing trends, and following what is relevant in a particular field. We are going to talk about the top five tech influencers you need to check out.
Unbox Therapy

Unboxing videos usually consist of people, well, unboxing new products and recreating the feeling of eager anticipation when your new gadget or toy arrives for the first time. They also give you a pretty good idea of whether a product is worth buying in the first place, making a bit of a review. Unbox Therapy is such a YouTube channel with over 16 million subscribers at the time of writing and 2 million followers on Instagram. The videos get at least a million views, with the average view count going around 4 million.
Linus Tech Tips
Another YouTube channel, Linus Tech Tips was created to make technology less scary for the young and the old that are having trouble grasping the nuances. At the time of writing, the channel boasts around 11 million subscribers. Linus Tech Tips focuses on reviewing high-quality products and PC building guides. They post videos regularly and even have a live podcast every Friday.
Marques Brownlee

Marques Brownlee did not get into tech to become famous, he became famous for getting into tech.
This YouTuber and geek/internet personality has 11 million subscribers on YouTube and 2 million on Instagram. Brownlee started his YouTube career with videos about hardware and freeware.
He mainly reviews phones, gadgets, and Apple products, though there is a variety in his videos.
Tim O’Reilly
Tim O’Reilly is proof that you don’t need to be a millennial or a zoomer to be an influencer. O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media and a type of person able to sniff out the next big thing. While he does have a modest following of 1.7 million people on Twitter, he is responsible for the term ‘open source’.
Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki used to be known as an Apple evangelist in the 80s, and now he is a great supporter of Canva, the design program. He wrote over a dozen books and his Twitter account not only follows tech news but also likes to get silly with funny videos.